About DRUM
Theme and goal
Procedural process modelling languages, such as BPMN, Petri nets, UML Activity Diagrams, EPC, and BPEL, are very useful in environments that are stable and where the decision procedures are predictable and can be predefined. With these languages, process participants can be guided step-by-step by process models in process executions.
The declarative approach is alternative (though non-exclusive) to the procedural one. Declarative specifications, instead of explicitly detailing all possible sequences of tasks in a process, implicitly detail the allowed behavior of the process with constraints, i.e., rules that can be enforced at design time or during the process execution. This type of specifications can also be used together with procedural specifications, e.g., in hybrid approaches or to impose declarative constraints on procedural models.
In both procedural and declarative approaches, business conditions on data, i.e., business decisions, can be used to drive either the choice of the path to follow (in the procedural case) or the application of a rule (in the declarative case).
Making explicit the rules and the decisions that are embedded in procedures or orthogonal to procedural specifications allows business analysts and designers to explicitly define the business logics underlying processes or the constraints to be applied on top of them. Business decision rules can be described by means of declarative models (e.g., Declare models), through set of logical formulas (e.g., LTL formulae), using special notations (e.g., ORM) or even in natural language. Rules and decisions can be explicitly modeled together with or instead of procedural models; mined from online or completed process executions; used to analyze existing procedures by detecting deviances and rule violations; enforced against existing processes and process executions; applied to improve and re-design process models.
The workshop topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Business and Decision Rules
- Rule Notations, Specifications and Languages
- User-friendly Notations for defining Rules and Decisions
- Declarative Process Modelling
- Rule Checking and Verification
- Rule, Decision and Process Mining
- Norms and Laws
- Flexible Processes
- Case Studies and Empirical Evaluations