Develop graphical resource assignment notations that can be integrated with imperative and declarative process modelling languages.
Develop flexible mechanisms for resource allocation and integrate them with resource-aware process models as well as with imperative and declarative process execution engines.
Combine resource mining techniques with compliance checking mechanisms for the re-design of resource-aware process models and develop an approach for continuous resource (re-)planning.
The project starts, the first visits to the project co-operators are scheduled and the project website is developed.
Graphical resource assignment support is further developed for imperative as well as declarative process models considering individual work in process activities.
Our resource allocation techniques are further extended and integrated with resource-aware imperative and declarative process models.
The resource assignment notations are extended and now support the composition of teams for collaborative work in process activities.
The evaluation of the developed resource assignment notations is complete after conducting experiments and using the notations with use cases from industry.
The existing resource allocation techniques allow for allocating groups of (human and non-human) resources to process activities, thus meeting more realistic requirements in many contexts, e.g., engineering projects.
Process monitoring and mining are integrated, which means that at this stage graphical resource-aware process models can be discovered and checked against compliance rules for finding potential improvement points.
The previously developed functionalities are integrated with the resource allocation techniques for a continuous planning and resource (re-)allocation, concluding the work described for the project.
The project was granted an extension and will run until July 13, 2019.
Project Coordinator
Dr. Cristina Cabanillas received her Ph.D in 2012 at the University of Seville (Spain) with research results on human resource management in business processes. Prior to that she completed a degree on Computer Science with honors at the University of Extremadura, Spain (2008) and an M.Sc. on Software Engineering and Technology (2010) at the University of Seville (Spain). She has taken part in many R&D&I projects, has experience as a reviewer in top international conferences and journals, and has chaired several workshops and conference tracks.