Semantic Web Technologies

184.268 - Technologien für das Semantische Web VU, 2008W, 2.0h, TU Vienna

Lecture by Axel Polleres.


The goal of this lecture with assignments is to provide deeper insights into languages, standards and technologies of the Semantic Web. The special focus here lies on formal Semantics. Further we will show how these standards can be used for inference and querying on the Web, Semantic Web search and Web Services.

Even if the attendance of the course 188.399 "Einführung in Semantic Web VU" is not a prerequisite to attend this course, the present course may be viewed as a continuation where some of the topics presented in 188.399 are presented with from a more theoretical point of view. Prior attendance of 188.399 is thus recommended.

Location and Time

This lecture will be held as a blocked guest lecture between 12 January 2009 and 23 January 2009 at Vienna University of Technology. The first lecture will be held on 12 January 2009, 9am-12pm, in Vortmann Hörsaal. All further organisational details will be announced then. Also check TUWIS for announcements.




Course Material


Assignment 1

Assignment 2

More queries:

Assignment 3

Delivery of solutions

Solutions to all three assignments have to be delivered per e-mail to axel[dot]polleres[at]deri[dot]org by 2009-01-21, 09:00am. Please ensure that all SPARQL queries are submitted in plain text and provide results. Some explaining text might help...

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