Semantic Web Technologies

184.729 - Technologien für das Semantische Web VU, 2013S, 2.0h, TU Vienna

Lecture by Axel Polleres.

Details and course material (such as slides) will be provided on this Web page, once the course has started. For the moment, please refer to the information page at TISS.

Course Content/Material

Lecture Times and Venues

Please find details on the time and location of forthcoming lectures at TISS. ATTENTION: Please check before the lecture, the lecture rooms might change!


Assignment 1

Deadline for the assignment is 1 May 2013 (send your results to me per email to: axel.polleres[at]

Hint: other RDF format converters include e.g. Any23 or RDF2RDF (not tested, but might be easier to use for some of you, as it's in Java). Also, one of the online RDF validators mentioned can do some simple conversions, see the following blogpost.

Assignment 2

Deadline for the assignment is 15 May 2013 (send your results to me per email to: axel.polleres[at], use subject: "Semantic Web Technologies: Assignment 2")

Assignment 3

Deadline for the assignment is 31 May 2013 (send your results to me per email to: axel.polleres[at], use subject: "Semantic Web Technologies: Assignment 3")

Please also let me know your chosen presentation topic for the final presentations by 31 May 2013!

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